NGA Show Twitter roundup
This year’s National Grocer’s Association show in Las Vegas was packed with workshops, events and an active trade show floor. Here are some highlights from the show on Twitter. SN … Continue Reading →
This year’s National Grocer’s Association show in Las Vegas was packed with workshops, events and an active trade show floor. Here are some highlights from the show on Twitter. SN … Continue Reading →
The 2014 FMI Midwinter Executive Conference in Scottsdale, Ariz., wrapped up today after several insight-packed panels, industry events and networking opportunities. Here are some highlights from the show from Twitter. … Continue Reading →
Environmental advocates were successfully able to put the cap on bottled water sales for several years as part of their campaigns against plastic. read more Supermarket News
Monday’s FMI Midwinter show was packed with educational sessions and events such as a panel on Hurricane Sandy, the SN Marketer of the Year presentation, educational workshops for independents and … Continue Reading →
Below are some highlights from the Twitter conversation about the FMI Midwinter Executive Conference. The show started today with several events including the GMA Chairmen’s Lecture and the Industry Collaboration … Continue Reading →