2014 NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill

Plan to attend this ground-breaking event that will bring 300 advocates from across the nation to Washington to educate members of Congress about the importance of pro-patient, pro-pharmacy policy and key issues related to healthcare reform!


The Liaison Capitol Hill

415 New Jersey Ave. NW

Washington, DC

United States

Plan to attend this ground-breaking event on March 12-13, 2014 that will bring 300 advocates from across the nation to Washington, DC to educate Members of Congress about the importance of pro-patient, pro-pharmacy policy and key issues related to healthcare reform!

Whether you are a CEO, CFO, pharmacy operator, pharmacist, pharmacy school Dean, student pharmacist or executive representing front or back end interests, it is important you consider participating in NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill. This event reviews the secrets of influential communication, explains how an “issue of the day” impacts the pharmacy community, and provides the unique opportunity to meet with Members of Congress and their staff to discuss important issues.

Your involvement demonstrates the community is dedicated to advancing pharmacy and quality patient services. The more you participate in this annual event, the more Capitol Hill will understand pharmacy and welcome our positions on important health policy issues.

After participating in a morning legislative briefing attended by lawmakers supportive of our industry, advocates who are briefed before the event will be paired with others from their state to attend NACDS RxIMPACT-scheduled meetings with Members of Congress and their staff. Because the mandatory breakfast briefing starts early, participants are encouraged to arrive the night before to participate in the Welcome Dinner.

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